laravel passport PHP8

yvan tenekeu
Mar 30, 2021


laravel is a very popular php framework in the php developer community.
passport which is a functional oauth2 server for laravel, allowing the creation of secure APIs and offering double authentication.
if you are here i guess you noticed that your passport no longer returned tokens since php8 came along.
so in the following lines I will show you how to solve this problem.

go to AuthCodeGrant.php vendor/league/oauth2-server/src/Grant/AuthCodeGrant.php

change this ligne

and put his

because $authCodePayload->redirect_uri is null and necessarily different from $redirectUri .

After that, go to the file OpenSSL.php vendor/lcobucci/jwt/src/Signer/OpenSSL.php



because is_resource no longer return true for openssl objects.

AND move a two occurrence of function openssl_free_key.

because openssl_free_key is now deprecated as it doesn’t have an effect anymore.

well done, now you can continue to generate tokens in peace.



yvan tenekeu
yvan tenekeu

Written by yvan tenekeu


make zero one twenty

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